
Skin/Pele: *YS & YS* Viola 01 Nude - Tone 02 New - Skin Fair
Hair/Cabelo: [monso] My Hair - Rika /Brown New -Creation JP
Eyes/Olhos: ! MU. genie brown. n/a
Lips/Batom: *YS & YS* Viola Lips Cherry - Tone 02 New - Skin Fair
Teeth/Dentes: *YS & YS* Viola THEET Tone02 - ADD ME
Lashes/Pestanas: *YS & YS* NewLashes 01
Manicure/Pedicure:alaskametro manicure applier Free

Sweater: [Pumpkin]Stretched sweater (beige)
Pants/Calças: *COCO*_Gift_SkinnyJeans Group Gift
Shoes/Sapatos: Pure Poison - Pixel Love Flats  Group Gift*
Necklace/Colar:ANE Botanical Necklace in PALE GOLD  New - Kustom9

*With the group tag you have a free play at the blue gatcha machine.
For more plays you have the green gatcha machine and that will cost 50l$.
Like the normal gatchas, the group member's gatcha machine , the prize is random.
