The Pure Sophie

-Shopping Fashion List-

Skin/Pele: Egozy.Laoya (Golden).SOFT New Skin Fair
Eyes/Olhos: Mayfly - Luminous - Mesh Eye Dark Olive,
Hair/Cabelo: [LeLutka]-BETH hair - Bournville
Freckles/Sardas: Egozy.(Freckles)v.Dark (part of the pack)
Teeth/Dentes: ITGirls
Ears/Orelhas: Egozy.Mesh Ears Left (Golden) (part of the pack)
Lipgloss: Egozy.Laoya.LipsGloss(Golden) (part of the pack)
Hands/Mãos: Slink AvEnhance Hands  
Nails/Unhas: //elephante poses// WOTF #1 New Gatcha
Feet/Pés: Slink AvEnhance Feet Female Mid 

Dress/Vestido: .Season4 - SOPHIE Lace Dress (Manga Girl) New
Shoes/Sapatos: Ingenue :: Lillian Heels :: Copper Collabor88
Ring/Anel: LEONARD! Dolphin Ring -gold New
Earring/Brincos: Pure Poison - Coral Earrings Group Gift
Glasses/Oculos: [LW] Sophisticated Glasses - Mandarin  Free
Phone/Telemovel: **Label Motion - My mobile phone Free (buy the bag for ol$)
