
Finally, after years making shape just for me and my friends, i decide create some shapes to sell!
Bonnie , FAKE's owner is helping in this new adventure, so for now u can find my shapes in FAKE mainstore!

Some details about my shapes;
The shapes will be create for FAKE skins but of course u can try with your favorite skin! I will provide DEMOS so everyone can try my shapes!

The shapes for now will be NO modify but if you have any suggestion about something you can send a notecard to me (Isis Feden) and I can fix it! :)

The shape have 5 sizes to all the mesh lovers, XXS, XS, S, M and L! They are made from standard MESH sizes so will fit in your mesh clothes.

For now I have just a shape for sale but soon I will put some more, so wait for the news and updates :D

PS: Don't make fun with my AD, i'm such a noob ! x)


Skin/Pele: FAKE :: MaryJane Skin - Caramel New
Shape: MyOwnShape -MaryJane New
Eyes/Olhos: (= potcha. Free
Hair/Cabelo: [Due] Yuki 02 
Lipstick/Batom: ROZENA
Blouse/Blusa: Overhigh - Shirt with Sweater New
